Need To Get Your Air Ducts Cleaned? How To Keep Them Clean Longer
If you've noticed dirt and dust coming from your vents, it's time to have the ducts cleaned. You might not realize this, but dirty ducts can impact the air quality inside your home. Not only that, but dirty ducts can also reduce the energy efficiency of your home, which can increase your utility costs. That's why you should actually have your ducts cleaned about once every three to five years. However, there are steps you can take to keep your ducts clean between visits from your HVAC technician. Taking these steps will keep the air in your home fresh between duct-cleaning appointments.
Replace Your Air Filters More Often
When the ducts in your home are cleaned, all of the dirt will be removed. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that your ducts won't continue to collect dirt and dust. This is especially true if you don't replace your air filters. One of the problems with dirty air filters is that some of the dirt gets pushed through to the ducts. Unfortunately, that means that your ducts will need to be cleaned sooner than you'd like. One way to keep your ducts clean is to replace your air filters on a regular basis. A good rule of thumb is to inspect your air filters about once a month. That will allow you to replace them as soon as the dirt starts to accumulate.
Increase the Airflow Through Vents
If you like to save money on your energy bills by closing off some of the vents in your home, you could be causing problems for your ducts. One of the benefits of keeping your vents open is that the air can flow through your home. The increased airflow prevents dirt and dust from collecting in the ducts. To keep your ducts clean longer, open up all of the vents in your home. It's also a good idea to open your windows as well. Opening the windows when the weather is nice will help remove dirt and pollen from inside your home.
Install a Whole-House Air Purifier
If you want to keep the ducts clean for as long as possible, it's a good idea to invest in a whole-house air purifier. You might not know this, but installing a whole-house air purifier will remove the dirt, dander, and pollen that can collect inside your ducts. Not only that, but the air purifier will remove the dirt, dander, and pollen that does manage to escape from the ducts. As a result, your air ducts will stay clean longer.
For more information contact an air duct cleaning service.