Spice Up Your House With Faux Finishes
When it comes to designing your home, there are so many materials to choose from. Wood, marble, and granite are all lovely, but they can be prohibitively expensive. Fortunately, you can recreate the look of almost any material using faux finishes. Here are four beautiful materials you can easily mimic with paint:
1. Wood
Wood is beloved for its natural, rustic beauty. if your walls are made from drywall or plaster, you can still get the look of wood without completely replacing them. In order to create a wood faux finish, you should first start with a base color. Choose a shade of brown that closely mimics the type of wood you prefer. Birch is lighter, while teak is very dark. After your base coat is laid down, dip a brush in a slightly darker color and apply the paint sparsely to mimic the look of wood grain. Repeat this process with a slightly different color, since wood contains many natural variations.
2. Marble
Faux marble counters are within your reach. Marble is a pale stone, so you should start with a very cool, light grey that is almost white. Paint this as a base coat and let it dry. Next, dab a darker slate gray in strategic spots over your base coat, using a sponge for an uneven finish. Continue until you have the desired effect, then seal the countertop using a food-safe resin. This will give your counter the natural shine of marble.
3. Granite
Granite looks similar to marble, so you will use a similar technique. However, it typically comes in different colors. Dark grey is a common color when it comes to countertops, although you can use yellow or terracotta red as well. Choose three contrasting colors to mimic the natural color variation found in granite and apply it unevenly with a sponge.
4. Wallpaper
You can even use paint to mimic the look of simple wallpaper patterns. By applying painter's tape to your walls, you can create a classy pinstripe effect. Lay down your base coat using a roller brush for an even finish, and only apply the painter's tape once the base coat fully dry. Make sure to remove the tape promptly, so it doesn't get stuck as the contrasting color dries.
These are just a few of the faux finishing techniques you can try. All you need is paint and your imagination. However, it's a good idea to find reference pictures of the type of material you want to mimic, since that will help you replicate it more closely. Make sure to choose high-quality paint from your local paint store so your finished masterpiece will stand the test of time.